Cautionary Tales Unveiled
Explore my experiences with Esther Jannett Alberg Colmenares and understand the challenges I faced during our relationship. The Disastrous Girlfriend
Cautionary Tales
Hello, I'm Drew, a friend of Mark. I created this website for him because, frankly, his grammar could use some improvement.
Welcome to my website. I'm sharing my experience with this woman—not out of jealousy, but simply to recount what I went through. Although we're no longer together, I want you to be aware of the challenges I faced. Ultimately, the decision to date her is yours, but I've detailed the issues I encountered below, complete with dates and descriptions. Remember, there's a reason why women—and Jannett in particular—are single. Please proceed with caution. Good luck.

I’d like to share the full story of my relationship with Jannett and explain how things gradually went downhill.
Meeting and Early Warning Signs (2018–2019):
Jannett and I met on Zoosk in 2018. At the beginning, our relationship had its ups and downs. Almost immediately, I noticed red flags. For example, Jannett was very active on social media but would hide details about whom she was speaking to. I later discovered she was in contact not only with her ex but also with other men. When I brought this up, she became angry and stormed out. I asked if she truly wanted to be with me and insisted that she cut off these conversations.
Another warning sign was that, although she had divorced her husband, she still lived in the same house and even arranged for me to meet him. Later, she mentioned she was going to Sacramento to see a friend—only for me to learn that she met a man from Los Angeles at a hotel under the pretext of a conference. He even asked that his wife not be told. This, combined with her secretive behavior—such as taking her phone into the bathroom and limiting my Facebook access—made me increasingly uncomfortable. At one party, for instance, even though we arrived together, she insisted that I leave while she stayed behind. In December 2018, I even moved out on my own (without my kids) to the county.
In 2019, although we initially had some good times, more issues emerged. Jannett started spending more time with friends and became very busy with her demanding job. Once she moved in with me, she began developing unexplained scars on her legs and would sometimes blame me for them or other aspects of our lifestyle. She also resorted to name-calling, frequently referring to me with unkind terms regarding my weight—even though I am 6 foot 2 and weigh 235 pounds. Meanwhile, our physical intimacy declined dramatically, going from several times a week to nearly disappearing.
I grew suspicious that she might be involved with someone else. For example, a male friend arranged to meet her downtown, and despite my objections, she went. Later, using a tracking app, I saw that she had visited his house—another significant red flag. On top of this, whenever her ex-husband Michael encountered problems, she would rush to his aid, displaying more concern for him than for me. This was particularly frustrating because I was managing nearly all of the household chores, while she often criticized me for being messy.
Financial issues soon added to the strain. Despite earning over $100,000 a year, Jannett was consistently short on money, and I ended up paying for most outings, meals, and trips. On one occasion during a long weekend in Pacifica, she even accused me of staring at another woman—an accusation that felt completely unjustified given the circumstances.
A separate incident on a trip to Folsom with my sister further highlighted her tendency to misinterpret innocent interactions. After I explained that a stranger had simply commented on my beer choice, she reacted with disbelief and anger.
Pandemic Challenges and Escalation (2020–2021):
The year 2020 was incredibly difficult. During the COVID pandemic, Jannett suffered the loss of her mother and brother within days. I tried my best to support her during that challenging time, but the forced isolation only magnified our issues. Once the restrictions eased in 2021, she resumed going out with friends—camping, hiking, and other activities. However, she quickly began insisting that any plans I suggested be dismissed in favor of her own ideas. Her lack of organization often led to last-minute changes and misunderstandings, and when things went wrong, she was quick to place the blame on me. Whereas I always owned my mistakes and apologized, she never seemed willing to acknowledge her part in our problems.
Later in 2021, we faced a major crisis when our living situation changed abruptly because our landlord was selling the house. I had to secure a new home quickly, and during the rush, we both contributed $15,000 to help with the purchase. I promised to repay her once I had the funds. However, when my settlement was delayed, she grew increasingly angry and kept bringing up the loan issue, accusing me of not keeping my word—even after I eventually repaid her in June. The ongoing financial tension was exacerbated by repeated insults and criticisms, including remarks about my weight and even how long it took me to “wake up” in the mornings.
Breaking Point and Separation (Mid-2021–2023):
I began documenting our issues and even sent her emails suggesting that we try counseling—something I believed could help us address our communication problems. She refused, denying that we had any serious issues. On July 5th, I lost control after a particularly stressful day (and a few beers). I shouted harsh insults and threw a basket across the room, expressing my frustration about feeling like I was always coming last in her list of priorities. (For her, the ranking was clear: her son came first, followed by her ex, then her family, friends, and finally me.) She became very upset and left shortly after. Although I apologized and begged her to work on our relationship, nothing seemed to change.
About a month later, I suggested we take a cruise together, hoping a change of scenery might help us reconnect. Unfortunately, from the moment we boarded, problems arose. I felt the ship was too small and overcrowded, and tensions escalated during our time in Mexico. A careless joke about a ship gate—intended to be lighthearted—led her to believe I was trying to endanger her. I denied any such intention and, in a moment of anger, told her that if she truly believed I meant harm, she should leave my house. When we returned to San Francisco, she announced that she was moving out, despite my earnest pleas to resolve our issues.
In February 2023, she informed me that a longtime friend—someone she had been in contact with for years—had offered to be her new partner, even mentioning that I had been her “plan B” at one point. This confirmed many of my suspicions about her behavior. After months of attempts on my part to mend our relationship, she finally told me to “find someone who can make you happy.” I tried to move on in March, but she then blocked me, called me names, and continued to behave immaturely in every phone conversation.
Update and Final Reflections:
We eventually got back together briefly and even attended counseling, but that progress didn’t last long. Jannett soon reverted to her old habits. Our sex life remained unsatisfying, and she continued to engage in manipulative behavior—including, at one point, even stealing from me. My adult children have since expressed very harsh opinions about her. In sharing my story, I hope others can be forewarned about similar red flags. Also, Mark has some jewelry that he tried to return to Ivan to give to Jannett. He said he doesn't want it and to quit calling him. I think it's her mother's jewelry. It says Peru on it
So if you’re going to date Jannett here is what you have to look out for
You’re not going to be her top priority
Sex is terrible and you’re lucky to get anything
She will write down all your wrongs in a book and use them against you
She won’t have time for you
Very Selfish and immature
It’s her way or she will get mad at you
She is not a clean person, with her hygiene or her house or car
She will not let you have access to her Facebook because she likes to talk to other men
She will use you for what you will give her and if she doesn’t get it watch out
She is kind at first but she becomes very mean
She plays games with you
Unorganized person
If she’s wrong she won’t say sorry
She lives with her ex-husband
It was never she fault
She is a violent person. She has hit me 4 or 5 times and
smacked me in the face
She will Steal From You
She Will Lie To Make Herself Feel Like A Victim Or Benefits Her
The good thing about Jannett
She was nice a first
She can dance
She is helpful if it benefits her
She Pretty
Her Facebook accounts that I know of

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